Monday, July 2, 2007

Just Another Day

Let's talk about last night at work.

I don't really want to talk about it because frankly work isn't that exciting but some times life isn't all that exciting.

Although I wasn't really looking forward to working, I was a little relieved that Sara wouldn't be there - with last night being a stat, Sara had the night off.

Or she was supposed too! Why was she at work? There should be a law against coming in on days that you are supposed to be off! It totally screws people up when they were hoping that they would have another day before being told what an ass they were over the weekend.

I got to work and she wasn't there so I didn't think she would be there but five minutes before our shift starts, she comes waltzing in the staffroom with Billy, laughing at some stupid joke he made.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out the second I saw her and everyone turned to see what was going on.

Sara stopped, looked at me and then asked Billy what happened next in whatever story he was telling her. She walked by me without so much as a hello! God I hate that! Why do people do that? If you are mad at me then fucking tell me you are mad at me! Yell, scream, throw things - I don't care! - just don't fucking ignore me!

I was fuming as we all headed up to the front for the meeting. I decided that there was no way I was letting her ignore me, by the end of the meeting she was either going to be talking to me or yelling at me.

Normally when we are all up front, she sits on the little counter for till 6 and Billy sits on the part where the cashier puts the items that they've already rung in. I would normally stand off on the edge of the group just waiting to get the night started so I could go home but not last night! I waited until they were seated and then I made my way over to them and I leaned against the counter across from Sara.

I could feel her eyes as they tried to burn holes in the back of my head.

When the meeting was over, I purposely got in her way, she was blocked in the little space the cashier stood all day. She would go to the left and I would move into her way so she tried for the right and I was there too. She was getting upset, I could see it in her eyes but I didn't care.

After a couple minutes, she finally snapped. "Tanner get out of my way!"

Silence fell over the store as everyone turned from getting carts to look over at us. And then she did the cutest thing, she blushed, big time. "Please move," she said quietly.

"Tell me why you are trying to ignore me."

She closed her eyes for a moment and I swear she was counting to herself because her lips were moving. "I just want to go to work Tanner," she sounded so sad when she spoke, it surprised me.

"What's wrong?" My eyes narrowed as I stared at her, she looked like she always did. Maybe a little more tired than normal though, was she sleeping enough?

"Nothing," she sighed. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm not mad I just..." she sighed again. "I thought you were different Tanner," she pushed past me and headed off to her areas.

I wanted to tell her I was different but I knew she wouldn't believe me. The guy I've been since I've gotten back isn't the guy I was before. That guy was a fool who let everyone take advantage of him and he lost all he had. I didn't want to be that guy again.

I went to pets and was working away when the manager came over the PA system and told everyone to meet up at the front. Once everyone had arrived the manager told us that since it was Canada Day she was letting us watch the fireworks. Everyone started to talk at once, they were all excited about it.

We were lead outside where the manager had some cold pop set up for us and some chairs for those who wanted to sit.

I was standing off from the rest of the group as we waited for the fireworks to start.

When the first fireworks went off, everyone oohed and awwed but I wasn't watching the sky; i was watching Sara. For the first time since I met her, she was standing off by herself. She was staring upwards so she didn't see me as I walked up behind her.

"Since when do you hang out alone?" I whispered against her ear.

I scared her, she jumped and gave a little squeal. "Tanner!" She whacked me across the arm when she spun around. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"You made it so easy," I told her as I laughed.

"Whatever," she tried to hide a smile as she turned back to the fireworks. "I just love fireworks," she said. "They are so pretty and the popping sound," she looked over her shoulder at me. "I feel it here," she held her hand against her chest.

My eyes automatically went to her tits.

"Tanner!" She whacked me again. "Don't do that!" She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover up her tits.

"That doesn't really do anything, you know that right?"

Sara seemed a little defensive all of a sudden. "There's more to me than just my rack Tanner."

I bent back and gazed down at her ass, "Why yes there is," I gave her a smile.

"Tanner!" She whacked me again. "That's not what I meant!"

I couldn't help but laugh, "I know."

For some reason unknown to me, even as I write this now, I nudged her with my hip and told her she was alright.


Anonymous said...

Great post. Seems like you should get to know her better..........and not by getting in her pants. LOL. You seem to have a nak for this. Keep it coming.


Anonymous said...

Get tested for STD's or cooties (whatever Claire might have given you), and work on being a gentleman so you can win Sara over!

Vikki said...

I'm really liking this blog. Keep up the good work. I think Sara will be good for you. You can be a good guy without being a pushover ya know ;^)

bdave00 said...

I agree with Carina....get tested. Girls we love bad boys, but not a bad boy that sleeps with everything with two legs.

Anonymous said...

I agree with bdave00 & Catrina...although, what if Tanner gets tested and comes up POSITIVE w/something?! (say it with me now: ewwwwww) Then he'll have a moral dilemma, especially if he starts dating sara.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Sara will date him if he is still seeing Claire. Hello condoms don't always work..could you imagine Claire with a baby?
