Friday, August 31, 2007

It Was The Sickness Talking! I Swear!

I haven't worked at all this week, I've been pretty sick and now I'm scheduled off for a couple days. I'm feeling better and I want to take Sara out tonight to thank her for 'nursing' me back to health but she told me she couldn't go. I asked her why but she wouldn't tell me! All she said was that she had plans with Billy that she couldn't change.

"Then why don't I join you guys?" I was desperate to get out, I didn't care what they were doing, I just wanted out of my parents house!

"You can't!" Sara stared at me like I just insisted that the world was about to end.

"Why not?" I asked, "Billy won't mind."

"I mind!" She blurted out and then covered her mouth as if that would change what she said.

I won't get into the details but Sara and I had our first fight. She insisted that she loved spending time with me but she did not want me to go with them tonight. I thought that was crazy and I told her so. She didn't like that.

"I'm NOT crazy Tanner!" She yelled at me. "Just because I want to spend some time with Billy over you doesn't mean anything!"

"Well that's GREAT!" I yelled back. Ok, it may not have made any sense and it didn't get me an invitation to whatever top secret event she didn't want me at but I didn't understand why she just couldn't say, 'Tanner I'm doing....' whatever it is with Billy and tell my why she didn't want me to be there. Why be all secretive about where she's going?

FUCK! If I didn't know Billy was gay it would be a BIG fucking deal!

Sara stomped out of here last night. She didn't give me a hug like she had all week and she didn't even tell me if she would come over this morning after work. I tried to call her at lunchtime (3 am) but she didn't answer her phone. I sent her a couple text messages but she hasn't replied.

I think I fucked up!


ctiger said...

First fights always suck. Hope fully she will cool down and explain things. It will blow over you both will apoligize and get on with life.

Now as to the "shock" i got when i saw the truth behind the blogger........I have to say i almost wasn't surprised but at the same time i was disappointed. The writing is FANTASTIC, but i was really reading this as a guys persective. That is the only disappointment to me. But Angela you have a fantastic gift there is no way in hell i could ever write the things you have writen as a guys persective. Thank you again for sharing your talent. This was already one of my three favorite blogs that i check on Go figure that the other two would be your too. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Chris - I'm with ya! I thought a guy was writing this too and it was a bit of shock to find out it was a woman! Don't get me wrong - I'll keep reading because it's a great story, I'll just look at things a little differently knowing Tanner's point of view is coming from a woman!

Carmel Beauty said...

I think it is a great story you are an amazing woman and it amazes me you can write it so well from a man's prospective

Unknown said...

yep you pretty much rock:)

The Middle Child said...

She'll come around. Maybe it's a surprise for you? Maybe you just need to stop being so clingy....haha, I'm totally kidding!!!

MonkeySpeak said...

WOW, yea, she should come around but hes so cute, he is so protective, although a lil over-bearing. She is such a cute little tease though!! In a good way too. I don't think shes a mean tease at all, just a, I do want you, you probably dont know how horny I AM, but Im going through some tough stuff kind of tease. Ive been there. Guy is coming to visit me soon and I was in a shit relationshp last time i saw him and did the SAME thing to him... but now im free and gonna make up for the teasing :) Im sure Sara will do the same one day for good ole Tanner (Lovin the name btw)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am confused too! Thought it was a guy writing it, but after I looked up at the top and saw "my other blogs" that is Angela writing!!!

Good story as usual..Keep up the great writing in your three blogs!

Vikki said...

Aaaw, poor tanner. You've gotta give her some space. She still may be having some issues. It hasn't been that long since she was with CRAZY, Abusive, Controlling Boyfriend. She'll come around.