Sunday, June 29, 2008

This Weeks End

When I returned to my room, Sara had found her way under the covers and had pulled them up to her chin. "Sara?" I whispered as I stepped carefully towards my bed. I didn't want her to be to asleep. After what she did for me, I didn't really feel like sleeping.

Apparetly she did because she didn't stir as I lifted the covers and joined her in my bed. Nor did she move when I slid up behind her to take her in my arms. It was disappointing to tell the truth.

Sleep was a long time coming that night. While I tried to drift off to sleep, I found myself going back and forth between debating how to wake Sara up without her getting upset and thinking about the next month in the city learning everything Lonna thinks I need to know for my new job.

I didn't think I would ever get to sleep, to tell the truth, I thought I would end up having to sleep in Anna's car on the way to the city the next day but luckily, in the early morning hours, I foudn myself falling into a deep sleep.

Dreams came and went. They ran into each other, mixing until they were so utterly forgettable when I woke up in the morning.

And what a wake up it was!


Melissa Robinson said...

damn it! GRRR

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...


mum said...

Give us more!!!

On another note, Bonita Belle - if you're out there - I can't access you're blog anymore, it's invitation only.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the update. Seems new jobs are going around these days, myself included. (Check new post for details) LOL, can't wait to see where the story goes, and what wakes him up.

Anonymous said...

Angela is on vacation and is moving this month. She said in her comments in "View From This Chair" that she couldn't promise when posting but she would.