Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Night Before

If I never have to see Beverly again, I’ll be the happiest man in the world. Fuck was she a bitch towards me in the last two weeks that I was there. You know, I understand that she went through assistant managers like crazy before I was there and yes, she was counting on me to stick around but fuck, if I want to leave, I’m going to leave. No amount of guilt trips or tears were going to change my mind.

My parents, on the other hand, were excited that I was getting into something that would make me happy and leave me financially secure.

“So does that mean you’ll be moving out?” Dad asked me when I took them, and Sara, out for dinner to tell them about the job.

“Oh!” Mom backhanded dad. “Don’t be silly, Tanner can stay with us as long as he needs.”

“If it’s alright,” I glanced from mom to dad and back again. “I would like to sick around for a little while longer.”

“Of course it’s alright,” Mom replied immediately. “You are welcome to stay as long as you need Tanner, we told you that when you first asked about coming home.” She shot dad a dirty look as she told me that nothing has changed. “We love having you home. Right dear?”

Dad agreed with mom and then asked me to tell them a little more about Scott and the hotel. “I drove past that place yesterday, didn’t look like they were ready for business. And you are quitting your job already?”

“Well no dad, they aren’t ready to open yet but it’s not a big deal –”

“Not a big deal?” Dad stared at me. “Now Son you should know better than to jump into something that’s not a sure thing. Why –“

“Dad, I know what I’m doing. Trust me please?” I went on to tell him that I wasn’t jumping into anything. “After I work my two weeks with Beverly, I’ll be going to the city, for a month, to work alongside Lonna, the woman who does the same thing I’ll be doing at Scott’s father’s hotel. When we come back from the city, Anna and I will be interviewing potential waitresses and banquet servers. I will have to train them and get everything ready on end before we open. It’s going to be crazy – even without being opened.”

“Anna?” Mom gave Sara a sidelong glance. “Who’s Anna?”

Sara smiled. “Anna is ­–“She paused, gave a little sigh and then continued. “I mean, she was, the Infant department manager at my work. Scott offered her a job in personnel at the hotel and she took it.”

It was a sore spot for Sara, Anna leaving the department manager role. When we went back to her place after meeting Scott and Anna at Mac’s the night he offered me the job, Sara told me that she wasn’t happy that Anna was leaving.

“Why do all the great managers leave?” She asked me. “We have a system, the department is running smoothly and sales have been crazy. Why does she have to leave?”

She was upset; she hated change and had gone through a couple really horrible department managers so she wasn’t looking forward to whoever was taking over after Anna left. To cheer her up, I told her she could always work for me.

“You would have to go through the whole interview process,” I told her jokingly. “And I’ll try to keep my hands off you at work.”

“Uh huh,” she snorted. “You’ll be trying to do me on the banquet table!”

I raised a brow. That was an idea.

“Don’t even think about it!” She demanded with a chuckle.

I thought about it; over and over again. And I brought it up every single time there was a break in conversation between us. I mentioned it so much that every time there was possibility of silence, Sara would start to sing. It got to the point that I was mentioning it, partly just to bug her, but mainly to hear her sing. She would make up these little songs about what we were doing or about wishing I wasn’t such a horndog; they were hiliarous.

The day before I left to go to the city, Sara was over – I had asked her to spend the day with me since it would be the last time I saw her for a while. She came over right after work, we had breakfast together and then she showered while I made a list of all the stuff I had to do before I left. Stuff I wanted to leave until the next day but Sara wanted me to get it out of the way so that we could spend the last moments I had in town, together.

After spending all day out running around town, I was happy to finally be able to relax in my room, in just my underwear. I was on my bed, finishing up a phone call to my brother, when my door opened.


Raising a brow, I stared at Sara as she stood in my doorway.

She looked embarrassed. “Sorry.”

She yawned again.

If she was wearing one of my t-shirts. If she didn’t stretch along with the yawn, giving me a nice glimpse at her pink panties, I think I would’ve laughed.

“Gotta go,” I told Travis before hitting the ‘end’ button and tossing my phone in the direction of my nightstand. “C’mere,” I held out my hands.

Sara was half way to my bed before I even reached for her. Kneeling on the foot of my bed, she flashed me a sad smile. “I really wish you weren’t leaving tomorrow,” she told me as she leaned forward – hands on either side of my feet – her body so close to my legs as she moved forward, crawling over me.

“I’m going to miss you,” she pouted when she came face to face with me. “Do you have to go?”

“Ummm…” All thoughts vanished the moment her fingers began to trail over my chest.

"Are you going to miss me?"

"Yesss," I hissed as her fingers found their way down over my stomach, to my underwear. One corner of her mouth turned up on a sexy smirk. An eyebrow arched. Then I watched, in awe, as her eyes traced the same route her fingers took moments before.

Leaning over me, her mouth brushed against my ear. "Close your eyes Tanner," she whispered.

I gave her a questioning look.

"Just do it," she chuckled. "Trust me Tanner, you'll like this."

Smiling, I did as she asked while settling back against my pillow again.

"Can you see?" I told her no. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"None." I said confidently.

"You can see!"

I laughed. "No Sara," I reached down to my waist where both of her hands still hovering over my boxers. "You didn't move these."

"Oh shush," she slapped my shoulder playfully and told me to keep my eyes closed.

"They're closed!" I laughed. "It's black and there are white fuzz - oh fuck!" My jaw dropped.

And her hands tugged at the waistband of my boxers. "These are in the way."


mum said...

here we go.....hang on!


Anonymous said...

about time!

Anonymous said...

Yeah we say here we go and about time...but next post she was just trying to move them down just a little bit so she could give him an upper body massage or something. ;o)

(I say this jokingly, not as a bash towards the writer.)

mum said...

Anon5:59 - you're mean...but might be accurate. I hope not! haha. This literary foreplay is exhausting!


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww man. Totally annoying spot for one of your signature cliff hangers angela!

Cant wait for more of the story.


Shar said...

Great post!! What a great way to join this story with View From This Chair. Are they going to become one blog eventually?

The Middle Child said...

wow.....Tanner gonna get some... haha.

Anonymous said...

And another week with just one post. YAwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
