Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Strange Night

"Tanner why won't you come home with me?"

Last night Sara, Billy and I were hiding out in the staffroom. Actually all the night crew was hiding out in the staff room. Some would say it was because it was lunch time but the majority were hiding from customers. Fucking store and it's stupid 'let's be opened for 24 hours for ten days' idea. Fucking bastards in head office.

I was in the middle of stirring my beef stew - I nuked it a little too long and was trying to cool it down or at least make it safe to eat - when Sara slipped her hand down my forearm and asked me that question. I glanced over my shoulder, frowning at the question.

She drew back her hand, "forget about it," she mumbled.

Normally I would've made her tell me what was up but I don't know - since she practically blew me off last week, I withdrew from her. All week I've been quite and less than...fuck, I've been ignoring her. Not checking her out and not touching her. It's been hell. I miss touching her.

"Excuse me," she pushed out her chair and jumped up, stumbling as she hurried out of the staffroom.

"Way to go dumbass," Billy muttered without looking up from his lunch.

I tried to ignore him but he kept muttering stuff as he ate.

"Fuck you," I snapped.

"No," Billy slapped down his fork. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you pretentious jack ass. Sara doesn't deserve to be treated like this, she's nothing but nice and loving towards you. You are..." he trailed off and then said the worse thing he could've said, "...why you are no better than Ken!"

I jumped up out of my chair, slamming it off the wall. "I'm nothing like that bastard!" I yelled at him. "I would never hurt her like he did."

"No?" Billy picked up his fork again with more calm than I felt. "Then why are you sitting here acting like a jerk while Sara is in the bathroom crying over you?"

That stopped me in my tracks, so to speak, I didn't bother to say anything to him, I went off in search of Sara. She was in the bathroom crying like Billy said. "Sara?" I called as I walked into the woman's bathroom.

"Go away!" She called out.

"Sara, honey-"

"Don't call me 'honey'!" The last stall door opened as she came flying out of it. "You don't get to be all sweet and call me pet names like that!" I asked her why not but she went to the sinks without looking at me again.

"Come on Sara don't be like -"

"Don't tell me how to be!" She snapped at me. "I can be mad if I want Tanner! I couldn't go over to your place that morning because my mom needed me to come home. I asked you to come with me but you wouldn't! Why wouldn't you go with me Tanner? Why do we always have to go to your parents house? Why can't you come home with me some time?" She splashed some water on her face. "Why don't anyone want to go to my house?" She mumbled.

I leaned against the wall, I felt like the world's biggest prick. There were so many things I wanted to say to her but when I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out as I watched her walk over to the paper towel machine. I figured she was going to ignore me but between dropping the damp towel into the garbage can and reaching for the door, she looked at me.

She was pissed, I thought she was about to tear a strip off me or yell. I was so sure she would hit me, that I flinched when she moved close. She kept coming. I closed my eyes, hey! I was letting her strike out at me, I didn't need to watch her do it! I was waiting...and waiting but the blow never came. "Sara?" Opening one eye, I peeked at her, she was giving me a funny look.

"How do you do that?" She asked before slipping out the door.

"How do I do what?" I followed her. "Sara?"

"Excuse me miss," a lady dragged Sara off towards the floor.

Fucking customers.


Carmel Beauty said...

I need more I am confused.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it!

MonkeySpeak said...

Im confused too but all I know is Sarah is kind of a bitch too.

She expects Tanner to always read her mind but she blows him off constantly, has been playing "ck tease" for months and then expects him to understand her out of no where and always know exactly where she comes from even tho she doesnt give him more than a "i can't."

I don't really ever feel thatbad for her. She seems like one of those whiny, needy girlfriends that expects the guy to read her mind, and no matter what he does he gets in trouble. Sarah is the pretentious one if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to lie but this blog is starting to become repetitive. It seems like every other post is Tanner trying to prove himself to Sarah, him doing something wrong, her being mad and then him making it up to her. She is starting to get really annoying.

Anonymous said...

hmmmn very confused right now

Anonymous said...

I don't see why Tanner has any interest in Sarah, between her complaining about how inconsiderate he can be and Billy always on his case about how inconsiderate he is, it doesnt seem like Sarah does much to make their relationship work except complain!

Hadley said...

These two have some serious communication issues!

Sarah seems caught in the victim role--Tanner should not be compared to her abusive ex. When she is ready to start a new relationship and not make Tanner pay for what went wrong in her last one, great. Until then Tanner should look elsewhere! Sarah is so hot and cold...

Anonymous said...

it seems to me that sarah has a right to be upset, why couldnt tanner go to her place? sarah seems to go to his when he wants her too. we dont know what she said to him since we werent there. is tanner telling every thing or is he just trying to make her look like the bad one?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused too. When did Sarah blow Tanner off? The post before this one, they were very hot and heavy and lovey-dovey.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Hadley. Sarah clearly is not yet over her previous relationship and keeps placing Tanner in the role of her ex-boyfriend. Until she can truly move on they need to stop.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously confused. And Sarah is starting to get really annoying.