Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Extreme Make Out?

I had just returned to my room after having a shower when I heard the doorbell ring. My parents were home, so I knew I didn't have to run to see who was there. But when I heard a rush of voices, I pulled on a pair of sweats and made my way down stairs.

"Mommy and daddy said that we were sleeping here tonight grandma!" I watched from the living room as Kyle launched himself at mom.

"That's right," mom hugged him. "Your parents are going out to karaoke."

The look on Travis' face when mom said 'karaoke' was hilarious! He looked like he just got a whiff of something rancid.

I chuckled.

He heard me.

"Oh fuck!" I spun around in an attempt to get away from him, he was giving me the same look me always gave me before he tried to kick my ass.

"That's right! Run fucker!"

I heard mom gasp and scold Travis for his language as I took the steps two at a time. My goal was to get to my room before he caught up with me.

I didn't make it, he fast for an old fucker. Or maybe I'm just that out of shape. Like his son a few minutes earlier, Travis leapt forward, tackling me to the ground just before I got to my room.

"You just had to say something to mom and dad, didn't you?" He punched me in the arm. "You couldn't leave it alone? I told you I didn't want to go listen to a bunch of drunks singing badly!" He punched me again. "Now, instead of relaxing at home, I have to take Shelly out two nights in a row! You're such a little prick!"

"You don't have to do anything!"

Travis stopped in mid punch again, his eyes went wide, he looked down at me, I pointed behind him. He turned slowly to see his wide standing behind him, visibly upset.

"Shelly!" Travis pulled away from me, sitting back on his feet as he stared up at her.

"You're the little prick!" She snapped as she came towards us. I thought she was going to hit him, I really did. I think he did too because he flinched when she got close. But she didn't, she stormed pass the both of us and slammed the door shut.

"Hey!" I stared at the closed door. "That's my room!" I jumped up, tried the knob but it didn't move, she locked it. "Travis! Fix this! Get your wife out of my room!"

"Fix this?" He pushed off the floor. "How the hell do you want me to fix this? She's crazy! She knows I hate karaoke! I hate it!" He yelled at the closed door.

"I hate hockey!" Shelly yelled back. "But I go to the stupid games with you! I sat on the sidelines and cheered for you when you played!"

"Hockey more entertaining than karaoke!"

"Fine! Go home and watch your game," Shelly screamed. "I'm going out with Tanner!"

"Like hell you are!" Travis replied. "You aren't going anywhere with my brother!"

"Yes I am!" Shelly answered, opening the door. "I'm going and I'm going to have fun. And you know why?"

Travis didn't say anything.

Shelly let out a frustrated growl, "He's a better man that you will ever be!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Shelly!" Travis banged on the door. "Open this door!"

"Get dressed Tanner," Shelly shoved me towards my closet. "I want to go right now, I can't be around that man any longer."

"Tanner! You son of a bitch! I swear to God, if you lay one hand on my wife, I'll kill you!" My door was just barely holding its own under the strenght of Travis' pounding.

"What?" I glanced from the vibrating door to Shelly. "What??" I asked again in total disbelief.

"Your brother is insane!" Shelly screamed the last word.

Some where in all the screaming, mom must have come upstairs. "Travis! What are you doing? You are scaring the boys!"

The door stopped moving, Travis wasn't yelling anymore. I could still hear his voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying to mom.

"Tanner?" Mom's light knocks sounded on the door a couple minutes later. "Can you please open the door?"

Shelly didn't want me to open the door but I was done with this, I couldn't understand how something like this could happen. I knew my brother and Shelly didn't always see eye to eye but fuck! screaming at each other like that? When the hell did that start? Where was I that I didn't noticed that there was something seriously wrong? I knew Travis was a stubborn, insensitive jerk but this irrational behavior? This wasn't something I was familiar with.

It got me thinking about Sara and the bastard. Was this how their relationship started? Was my brother one step away from being the bastard?

I opened the door. Mom stood before me with a worried look on her face, she asked Shelly if she was ok. I didn't pay attention to Shelly's reply, my attention was on my brother as he stood with his hands in his pockets and his head lowered to the ground. He was shaking.

"What was that?" I asked him as I ventured closer.

"Nothing," he remained transfixed on the floor. "I'm fine."

"No you aren't," Shelly came over to us. "You scare me when you get like that Travis."

"And you purposely push my buttons," Travis lifted his head to look at her. "You know I don't like karaoke."

Shelly let out a shaky breath. "I know," she admitted. "But I hoped that you would want to spend time with me, doing stuff I like." She glanced at me, "Tanner doesn't like it either but he's going for Sara because she loves it."

"I'm not my brother," he snapped. "I can't be that much of a pussy if I tried."

"HEY!" I glared at him.

"I'm sorry Tanman," Travis smirked. "You have to admit, you are a pussy."

"Fuck you," I walked away from them. "I'm getting ready to go out, you two can do whatever you want."

From the time I left them standing in the hall until the time I finally figured that they were no longer in the hall, forty five minutes had passed. The hall was deserted, I didn't know where anyone was and I didn't care, I headed towards the stairs.

I heard a door open behind me. "Tanner! Wait for us!" I turned to see Travis and Shelly emerge from Travis' old room, they were looking a little...oh fuck it! They looked like they had sex.

"Can we catch a ride with you?" Shelly asked as she led Travis over to where I was.

I think I nodded, I was too shocked to say anything as they started down the stairs hand in hand.

"Come on Tanman," Travis smiled at me over his shoulder. "Sara is waiting."


Melissa Robinson said...

hahaha i love Travis! I just hope he isnt abusive, I really dont think so, but for everyones sake I hope not!

Vikki said...

Eeeewwww!!! They so did it!! LOL!!

I hope Travis isn't that out of control all the time. He & Shelly may need some pro help or counseling.

Good post.

PS. Eeeeeewwwww!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin he and Travis are gonna have a pretty serious talk. At least I hope so. Does Travis really want his boys to see him treating their mother this way? Do both Shelly and Travis want to theach their kids that it's okay for adults to act like this towards each other?

They should go to counseling before it gets anymore out of control.

Anonymous said...

I made the comment above and I just wanted to add that even though i know it's fiction, this post hit pretty close to home. My parents are divorced and they went through the period of always fighting--the yelling and screaming kind.

The Middle Child said...

Tee hee hee... a little lovin' before going out always makes the night better!!

Mehreen said...

Sex doesn't solve anything! I can't believe Shelly would give in SO easily when Travis was being such an ass! I really don't know how they ever got married when he's not willing to do little things for his wife!!

ctiger said...

Oh wow. i really hope Travis isn't like this alot. That would worry me too and Tanner better have a long talk with him. As the sex in his old bedroom at his parents house.............i don't think i would have the guts to do that. LOL>
Thanks for another great post.


Anonymous said...

if this was any other blog, the writer would be getting shit for not posting for a week. but i forgot, anna's god.
