Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Ok, my mom didn't ground me, she threatened to ground me. She knows that she can't really ground me, she was just that pissed off at me for taking off and not letting her know where I was or if I was ok.

Now it might seem like my mom is a little overbearing but I didn't tell any of you about the time I was 14...and then when I was 17...or the time I was 22...and then there was the time I was 24 and...well, let's just say my mom has many reasons to worry about me when I leave and don't let her know where I'm going. A couple times, I just didn't bother to call or go home, I was a kid I didn't think I had to tell my parents anything. Once or twice, the cops escorted me home and then there was the time when I was 22. That's the time that causes mom to freak out. I left without telling her where I was going, she knew I was going somewhere with Luke and the guys but that was all I would tell her.

We went to some bush party. I didn't know the people who were throwing it and I didn't know really where I was but I didn't care. There was alcohol, music and some damn fine women, what the hell did I care?

I ended up getting completely hammered, I passed out pretty much where I was standing.

Luke and the guys ended up taking off while I was passed out, leaving me behind. They swear to this day that they thought I was in the truck with them! Anyway, they leave, neither one of them are sober enough to drive and the road they were driving wasn't one they've travelled all that often and although they were close to town - Luke swears that a deer jumped out in front of the truck but none of the other guys saw it - they hit the ditch.

From what I remember, they were beat up pretty badly and a couple broken bones but they were really lucky, even the paramedics were surprised that they weren't hurt more than they were. Which was great! Until everyone realized that I wasn't with them (remember the guys thought I was in the truck!). The cops searched the area for me but of course they couldn't find me. I don't know if it was a cop or some one related to my friends who went to my parents house to tell them about the accident and that they weren't able to locate me.

Meanwhile, I'm snoring out in a field in the middle of nowhere.

It was raining when I woke up. The field was deserted. I was cold, wet and so pissed off that my 'friends' left me behind. I didn't know where I was, I didn't know how to get where I wanted to go but I started to walk anyway.

I think I was walking for about an hour before a tracker trailer finally came down the road. Bob, the trucker, was nice enough to stop and offer me a lift into town; he brought me as far the turn off to my parents' subdivision.

My parents' weren't home when I got home, I didn't even think twice about it because I figured they would be at the shop. I got a shower, grabbed something to eat and then went to watch TV. I fell asleep.

Two hours later, I woke up to mom crying as she squeezed the life out of me.

That night/day must have been horrible for my parents.

That's the reason I don't blame my mom for freaking out.

But like I said, she didn't ground me, she did try to take their car from me but dad told her there was no way he was driving me around. "It's cooling down at night now Cathy, you wouldn't want him to catch another cold. Besides, he's 29! Don't you think it's time to cut those apron strings?" My dad rocks most of the time.

I'm not grounded, I still have transportation but I did get the biggest lecture mom has ever given. It ended with, "I just want you to let me know if you are coming home Tanner, is that too much to ask?"

Of course it wasn't, I told her I would call her the next time. I was hoping that it would go that simple with Sara when I saw her at work last night.

I was expecting her to be mad, I was expecting her to ignore me.

She didn't do either. When I walked into the staffroom, she looked up and smiled at me. "Hey Tanner!"

"Hey Sara..." I nodded to Billy who was sitting across from Sara. "Billy..." I asked them how their weekend was as I sat down next to Sara.

"It was great!" Sara beamed at me and then she did something I wasn't expecting - she leaned over and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek in front of everyone! "How was your weekend?"

"Ummm..." I hesitated.

"Tanner?" She was still smiling as she sat back in her chair. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes," I chuckled nervously. "Kind of threw me off balance with that hug there Sara."

She glanced at the time, stood up with her name badge in hand. "You'll get used to it," she said as she moved behind me to head to the door.

I turned to Billy, who was in the process of getting up as well. "What's up with Sara?" I asked him.

"It was a great weekend," was all he said before he left the room.


Lady said...

Hmm... Maybe Billy talked some sense into her, finally. Maybe that was why she was so secretive about things. She was really trying to work through whatever boundaries she had up. I still don't know.

Oh, and I want to know what was in the bag she brought Tanner. Could it be something thats a hint to why she's all of a sudden coming around???

Anonymous said...

I wonder what was in the bag Sara got Tanner!! And What happened with Mandy.. why didnt he come home.. did something happen?!!?

Anonymous said...

he didn't come home b/c he was smashed drunk.
i think that sara may be a little too much drama for him. and it gets on my nerves that she can be so hot & cold.


Vikki said...

Why haven't you opened the bag yet Tanner?!? The suspense is killing me. I aree with Lady. I think that has something to do with why she's opening up more. OPEN IT!!!


PS. Luke pretty much sucks!! Good thing they left you though. You might have been the one to REALLY get hurt in the accident.

The Middle Child said...

Yeah, what was in the bag?

ctiger said...

Wow what a switch in gears for Sara. I too wonder what is in the bag the he hasn't opened up yet. Well maybe tomorrow we will find out. I hope that the way Sara is acting she hasn't changed her mind about "being" with Tanner.
