Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Little Crazy, Just A Little

I'll apologize right now because my next comment may not go over all that well. What the fuck is wrong with women that they think they 'own' a guy? And I'm not talking women who are in a serious relationship, although even then you don't 'own' the guy. No, I'm talking about the clingy psychopath that I have the pleasure of working with! Fuck! Seriously! Fucking crazy!

The last two nights at work, Rachael, the chick I've been working with has been acting really bitchy and snapping at me for no reason; I assumed it was just because she was female.

At one point on Tuesday, I was on the ladder and I asked her to hand me the dog beds so I didn't have to keep going up and down the ladder; they weren't that heavy, just awkward.

She came over to the high wall where I was and just stared up at me. "Rach, the beds?" I pointed to the pile behind her. "Could you hand them to me?"

"I heard you when you asked the first time," she snapped as she grabbed one of the beds. "Here!" She proceeded to throw it at me. Yes you read that right! I'm up on the top of a 8 foot ladder and she's throwing stuff at me.

That's not even the worst part!

I had a moment of sheer brilliance when I actually moved to grab at the bed which didn't even come close to me and almost fell off the fucking ladder. "What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled at her without even stopping to think about what I was saying.

"Don't yell at me," she screams at me and throws another bed at me; this time I didn't move to catch it.

"Stop fucking throwing them at me!" I yelled. "I'm onto top of a ladder you stupid twit! What are you trying to do, kill me?"

Rachael glared at me and got this really stubborn look in her eye. "I'm not helping -"

"No shit!" I snapped at her. "You aren't helping me at all! Why it is so difficult for you to comprehend passing me the fucking beds?"

By this time Judy was standing at the end of the aisle staring at the two of us. "What's going on here?" She looked back and forth between the two of us. "Rachael?" When Rachael rolled her eyes and stared stubbornly upwards, Judy raised a questioning brow in my direction. "Tanner?"

I shrugged, "I have no idea. I just asked her to pass me the dog beds." Rachael gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything.

"Is someone going to tell me why I heard yelling, swearing and name calling?" Judy tapped her foot, looking between us once again. When neither one of us said anything, she glanced at her watch. "It's time for break," she said. "I suggest that the two if you work through whatever this is before break is over. I will not have this sort of behaviour on my shift! Do you understand?"

We both nodded and she picked up the phone beside her on the wall, punched in the code for the PA and called break. Soon she was gone and it was just Rachael and me again.

"What the hell was all that about?" I asked Rachael as I climbed down the ladder. But she was gone before I got to the bottom.

We were sitting in the staffroom but she was ignoring me; she seemed determined not to explain her actions at all. In fact, she seemed intent on pretending that I wasn't there.

That is until Billy came over and started to talk about Sara. "I called her before I came to work," he told me. "She wasn't really all that talkative, said she was just tired but I don't know, she sounded different."

"Well I would probably sound different too if I was her."

Beside me, Rachael snapped the magazine she was reading closed and tossed in onto the pile that was on the other side of me. When I turned in her direction, she glared at me. "What is your problem?"

"You." She snapped as she jumped up to make her way out of the staff room.

Billy was laughing when I turned back to him. "You have such a way with the ladies, " he said and then asked me if I was going to the funeral the next day.

We spent the rest of the break talking about funerals and how much we hated them. "I'm just going to show Sara some support," I told him and he nodded.

Rachael was waiting for me when I got back to pets. "Who is Sara?"

"Sara?" She nodded so I told her that Sara worked nights with us but she's been off for the past week for personal reasons. "Why do you ask?"

"Are you dating her?"

"Umm, no." I laughed. "Sara is my friend."

"Good," she said and then didn't say anything else so I turned to walk back to the ladder. That's when she added. "Because I would hate to be the one to tell her that you have been coming on to me all week, trying to get with me."

You know that face you make when you hear something that sounds totally fucking crazy? That 'whatthefuck?' frowning, confused as hell face? That was me when she said that. I turned slowly. "What did you just say?" I still couldn't believe I heard her right.

She smiled, "Not that I would say anything if you were dating her but she would find out that you were hitting on me and acting like you want me."

I tried to figure out how the hell she got that idea when I did nothing to encourage her. Fuck! I didn't even comment when she sat there and told me all about her sexual past; I didn't fucking care!

She was standing right in front of me now. "It's good that you aren't seeing her," she repeated and her hand slipped over my chest. "I don't share."

That right there made me laugh out loud. "You don't share?" I shook me head, stepping back from her.

"That's right," she frowned. "I don't share my guys."

"Whoa!" I really jumped back then. "Your guy?" She nodded. "When..." I couldn't even wrap my head around that statement enough to comment.

She gave me a naughty smile and I swear I felt sick. It's not that she was ugly, I just wasn't into her like that! "You don't have to pretend," she told me. "I know what you want and I don't have a problem giving it to you; I just don't share."

"Ummm..." I looked passed her and saw Billy as he went through the toy skid across the main action alley. "Oh looks like Billy needs some help," I said quickly and left her standing there.

When I told Billy about Rachael, he couldn't stop laughing. "Fuck off!" I snapped.

I ended up hightailing it to Judy and squealed like a little pig about what happened when we were yelling and the little creepy episode just after break. I told her I didn't want to work with Rachael any more. "I don't even want her around me."

I know it was a cowardly thing to do, go to Judy but fuck! I can only take so much crazy!

Last night Judy assigned Rachael to housewares which is as far away from me as she can get without doing Sara's department. Rachael was shooting me dirty looks all night but she didn't say anything to me. Although Billy told me later that she was saying some pretty nasty things about me when I wasn't around.

I don't fucking care! Let crazy say all she wants, she's out of my hair and that's all that matters.

Now the...


I have to run to my parents store to help dad for a few hours. The funeral will have to wait until the next post.

At least there were no really crazy chicks there claiming I belonged to them.


Carmel Beauty said...

Okay I laughed this whole post I'm sure you don't think so but that is hilarious!!!!

Along this path said...

Wow what is up with that chick? That is just crazy. Good post as always!


Jaiden said...

That's so funny. You attract the crazy ones, don't you?

~Penny~ said...

Not ALL girls are crazy, at least not all girls that are in the vicinity of you....

What type of Mojo are you sporting??

Vikki said...

Crazy, Deranged!!! LOL!! You must have a 'Psycho' magnet Tanner. I LOVE IT!!!

Good Post :^)

ctiger said...

I am sorry i have to say i laughted too. What a crazy bitch. Hope if and when Sara comes bach she doesn't start shit about you with her. I hope Sara is doing okay. Great post.
