"Are you sure you don't know what Anna wanted with me?" I asked Sara for the millionth time as she sat on my bed, looking super sexy, while I walked around my room with just a towel around my waist.
"I told you all I know Tanner - Anna said that she thought you should meet Scott."
Standing with my back to her, I scanned my closet and then pulled out a pair of jeans. "What were you talking about for her to say that?"
"Not those," Sara jumped off my bed and came over to riffle through my closet.
"What does it matter what I wear?" Glancing at her, I asked who this Scott guy was anyway. "Why would I want to meet Anna's boyfriend?"
"I don't know," she replied distractedly.
"Hey," I pulled her away from my clothes and towards me. "What do you say we blow them off and -"
"No," she laughed. "I'll never hear the end of it if you don't - Anna has been asking me if you were going to call since the day she gave me her number for you!" Pushing away from me, she turned back to my closet and told me that if she were the jealous type, she would kick Anna's ass.
I laughed.
"What?" She turned around and handed me clothes. "I could take her down." She held out her arm and flexed. "I'm built!"
"That you are," I agreed as my eyes travelled down to rest on her tits.
"That's not what I meant!" She swatted at me. I thought she would move to cover herself from my view but instead she surprised me by thrusting them forward. "So you...like these?"
"Like?" I scoffed. "Sara, baby, I love those!"
When I went to reach for her, she laughed and turned away. "Admiring my chest isn't going to get you out of this dinner Tanner. Now, put those on and let get outta here!"
"Damn you're bossy - maybe I'll rethink loving those."
"Whatever!" She threw over her shoulder as she wandered back over to my bed and fell backwards onto it. "I'll just have to play with them myself." My jaw dropped to the floor as her hands slid over her chest. She sighed, "Too bad you don't like these, it would be so better if these were your hands, not mine."
"Fuck dinner!" I jumped onto my bed and grabbed her hands. "Those are mine!"
"Yours?" She laughed while she turned onto her side to face me.
"Of course, I told you - what's yours is mine and what's mine is -"
"Mine!" She gave me a quick kiss and wiggled away from me. "Get dress Tanner, we are going, I'm hungry!"
Growling, I told her she was such a tease. "Don't you ever want to know what's under this towel?"
Sara nibbled thoughtfully on her bottom lip as she eyed my towel.
"You can peek if you want." I really wanted her to peek - and fuck me brains out.
Her eyes travelled slowly up along my body as she lifted her gaze to mine. She held it for a moment and then her eyes went right back to staring at my towel. "Tanner..."
I sighed. "I'll get dressed."
"No Tanner, wait."
I waited, she didn't say anything but she did reach out and rest her hand on my hip. "I really want to peek," she laughed nervously; her fingers toyed with my towel. "I mean really want to peek."
"Then what's stopping you?"
She raised a brow and with a shrug she said, "Nothing", and yanked hard on my towel. "Oh my -!" She grinned and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "What's yours is mine, right?"
"Yeah," I agreed. "But -" I kissed her. "We have to go to dinner, remember?" As she sputtered, I jumped of the bed and grabbed my clothes. "Wouldn't want to keep Anna waiting seeing how hot she is for me."
"You wish big boy!" She threw my pillow at me as she scrambled off my bed.
Ten minutes later we were walking across the parking lot of Mac's to meet with Anna and Scott.
"So you don't know what -"
Sara groaned. "Tanner, I don't know what they want - well, besides you." She winked at me. "I'm sure there's enough of you for the both of them."
"Ha, ha!" I gave her a gentle push. "You don't want to share me though."
As we walked up to the doors, she tilted her head in my direction and blew me a kiss.
"Why don't you plant one right here?" I pointed to my cheek.
"Maybe later," she grinned and slipped her hand around my elbow. "Let's go see what they want and then -" She shrugged. "Maybe I'll try to peek again."
Needless to say my mind wasn't on meeting Anna and Scott for anything. The whole time it took us to make it to the table where they were already seated with drinks at hand, I was thinking about finally making some headway with Sara - besides making out every now and then.
"Hey!" Anna jumped up from her chair and came around the table to give us both a hug. "I'm so glad you both came."
The next hour passed by without any explanation as to why they wanted me to meet them. In fact, it was an hour of listening to Scott talking about some hotel that he got handed to him by his family - in between Sara and Anna's conversation about work. I was bored shitless.
Until Scott turned to me and said, "When I told Anna I was looking for a Restaurant/Banquet Manager, she told me that I didn't have to look any further - you were the man for the job." He paused to take a drink from his glass while his announcement sank in. "What do you say Tanner? Would you be interested in coming to work for me at the hotel?"
To say I was surprised would've been an understatement. I turned to Sara, she looked just as surprised as I did when she turned to me. "Oh...." She squealed as she leaned towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "This is so awesome!"
"Yeah," I agreed as I pulled her out of her chair and onto my lap.
"Well?" Scott looked at me expectantly. "I know it's a big decision but -"
"I'll do it!"
Friday, May 16, 2008
Meeting At Mac's
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
Whirlwind Girl
Just before close last night, the side door opened and I swear to God, I was ready to kill whoever it was.
Oh fuck it, it has been a long and painful week for me. I have been working the front of the restaurant as well as doing my normal management duties ever since I told Beverley what Kay and Cindy had did to me.
At first Beverly didn't want to believe what I was saying, she knew the girls since they were babies so it was hard for her. She told me she would look into it and after talking to both of the girls, Carmen and a few others that apparently knew about it, she called both of them into the office and fired them.
I can't say I was sad to see them go - especially after I found out just how far they planned to go with their claim that I was inappropriate towards them.
"We are closing," I called over my shoulder as I moved from cleaning the coffeepot to the milkshake machine.
"That's ok," a female voice called back. "I just stopped by to see why you haven't called."
"What?" I turned my head so fast, I got a shooting pain going up through the right side of my neck. "Son of a bitch!" I hated when I did that.
"Are you ok?" She had come around the counter and I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Do you need to sit down Tanner?"
"No, no." The black spots had all disappeared and the pain had lessened. "I'm ok." I shrugged off her hand and flashed her a smiled. "How are you Anna?"
"Feeling ignored." She pouted slightly before laughing. "Nah, not really. You," she reached up and tapped her finger against my chest. "Were suppose to call me."
"Oh?" I wrapped my hand around hers and leaned down to her. "I have a girlfriend."
"That's ok," she purred and stepped a little closer, her free hand slipped over my chest. "I'm not interested in you Tanner but my friend, Scott, is."
"What?" I pushed back from her; so sure that I misheard that. "WHAT?"
"My friend Scott - Sara and I think you should meet up with Scott. In fact," she playfully slapped my arm. "he should be in town right now! You have to meet him."
I had no idea what she was talking about; my mind was still on her male friend being interested in me. "I'm not gay," I blurted out.
She found that hilarious. "That's great Tanner; I'm sure Sara is very happy about that!"
"Why would I want to meet him?"
"Well," she shrugged coyly. "You aren't working tomorrow night, are you?"
I shook my head.
"Good!" She turned and went back around the counter. "Be at Mac's around 8 tomorrow night and you'll find out."
She didn't give me time to refuse or agree, she hurried towards the doors, saying something about having to meet Scott. "I'm late already!"
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